School Calendar Flexibility

School calendar flexibility for many school districts meet the needs of a changing world. However, laws keep this from happening. Some schools consider counting the time students spend in school in hours and not days. This provides more flexibility to meet state instructional requirements.

school calendar 2019

Presently, Education Law requires school districts be in session for 180 days or lose State aid. Also, the law requires a minimum number of hours per day to meet the requirement, depending on grade level.

Variation of Schedules to Meet Calendars

Schools that operate on a four-day week have lengthened the day to provide the required amount of instructional time. This is one solution to budget constraints. However, there is no evidence of increased or decreased academic ability. It is simply to provide a minimum number of hours to meet requirements.

Many schools in the U.S. have a 10-month calendar. This was established about 100 years ago so students could help on the farm. Hence, this practice is no longer a reason for a 10-month calendar. Therefore, the year-round schedule gives the most flexibility.

With the weather changes occurring in the winter months, schools need more flexibility. A four day or a year-round calendar is not flexible enough. In addition, the traditional calendar does not allow for teacher professional development. Teachers need time to develop activities that relate to instructional improvement.

Schools have some flexibility in their calendars. However, several aspects of the Education Law stays the same. Start and end times are not flexible in many schools because of bus schedules and required time for classes. In addition, schools do not have the flexibility to administer state required test as they see fit.

Regardless of traditional class times or block scheduling, the school calendar must fit into the requirements of the Educational Law. The flexibility still lies within the creativity of districts to create schedules that attempt to increase academic learning. They must create time for collaboration and interdisciplinary projects.

Several states waive requirements of the 180 attendance days due to contracts in flexibility. Many districts build a schedule around the state testing window. Schools provide the maximum time for prep as possible.

In the effort to maximize learning and increase academic scores, schools do the best they are able with the present Education Law. A change may be needed.

2019 school calendar

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