feedbackHow important is feedback from the workplace, parents, teachers, and coaches when it comes to students and children?  Which type is most effective? Advice, evaluation, or grades will not provide descriptive information that is needed to improve or reach a specified goal.

Feedback can be either positive or negative with timing as an important element for effectiveness. The sooner the feedback is provided, the better. Consistency is another key factor. Performance is improved when the feedback is accurate and is accepted by the recipient. Some say that feedback should not be negative; however, corrective is acceptable as long as it is constructive.  Using negative remarks is not the way people learn. Nor is it the way to build moral in the workplace.

Feedback is important to everyone no matter if you are a child, student, parent, teacher,coach, or a boss. It powerfully influences the ability to succeed.  When positive feedback is given, a person’s confidence is increased, as is the ability to reach a specified goal.  On the other hand, negative feedback undermines a person’s confidence level and expectations to reach a goal are decreased.  A conflicting theory states that negative feedback encourages more effort to pursue the goal.

Providing feedback that moves the learning forward is time-consuming and challenging.  Effective feedback is concrete, specific, and useful. It is designed to give information that is functional. Feedback doesn’t have to be continuously given; it can be balanced with negative feedback.

If a child or student does something wrong, and negative feedback seems warranted, start with a positive statement, perhaps a complement, discuss the problem, and end in a positive or a question as to how to improve.  This process takes time and practice.  It’s best to step back, take a breath, think, and then react.  Be specific so it is understood what is appropriate and what needs changed because comments can be misinterpreted.

Keep in mind that the goal of feedback is to improve the actions of another person and bring out the best of the classroom, work environment, or team. Small doses of negative feedback won’t hurt as long as it is constructive. Feedback should be considered a way to make people work better rather than feel better without being harsh and critical.  We all want to improve and achieve and deserve to know how.

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