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Happy New Year Celebrations

motivating students

Celebrations on January 1, call for wishing each other a Happy New Year. Additionally, each culture has common themes during this time of the year.  Therefore, the new year is a time of change.  Many do a thorough housecleaning, some pay off debts and others return objects that were borrowed. Mostly, it is a time of reflecting on shortcomings. In our classrooms, much of the same is done.

Classrooms are cleared of December and holiday artifacts. And, teachers eagerly welcome their students’ return to class.  Most noteworthy, January represents the down hillslope to the end of another school year. In January, educators conduct discussions of new year’s resolutions. Also, a focus on reflection of past accomplishments. Thus, they set future goals. Setting goals is an important life skill students need to learn. Older students reflect on who they want to be once out of school.

Celebrate by Setting Goals

Start with small achievable goals. However, make sure they are measurable to achieve maximum success for the student.  These are achieved quickly and help students understand the process. In completing a goal, a step-by-step process is written in words or pictures. And then, celebrate the  accomplishment.

I can do this!
Step-by-step process completed!

Celebrations in Other Cultures

Special celebrations held at different times of the year and by different countries ring in the new year. Diverse classrooms have students that celebrate the new year in ways that are different than the United States. Students need to explore these traditions to better understand and appreciate their fellow students.

Through participating in a variety of celebrations and activities, students build language skills along with an understanding of other cultures. In addition, various activities offer an opportunity to teach about time and calendars. It hones in on math, writing and communication skills.

The New Year is a time for celebrations. It’s a great time for fun activities and learn about the many customs that make our country great. Therefore, the new year is a time for a clean start to teaching and learning.

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