Parent Teacher Communication

Parent-teacher communication has a definite effect on the welfare of the student.  Research proves the best way to predict a student’s success is to understand the support that comes from the home environment. Therefore, nothing replaces the power of parental involvement with a child from birth. And, parents must have involvement to know that a teacher is doing a good job teaching. Without open communication, the parent will not know.

Parents Communicate

Teachers who do a good job know their students. And, they know what motivates them. They know this through continuous communication with a parent.  Through communication with parents, they understand a student’s strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, students must see that both parents and teachers care about them as human beings who care about their future success.

Teachers often get judged on how they present themselves in and out of the classroom.  Also, on what their students say about the classroom learning environment. Along with that, parents talk to each other. Hence, the word is out on whether a teacher is good at teaching or not. Therefore, it is important to listen

Studies indicate that parental involvement helps teachers focus on teaching.  And, the more information teachers receive from parents about a student’s needs and home environment, the better.  Therefore, the information that is received from the parent is applied to the student’s learning styles. With the involvement of parents, there is a more positive view of a teacher.

What Parents Want

A parent naturally wants their children to learn skills associated with functioning in today’s world.

•   First, they want them to be independent.  This is supported by permitting students to have choices in the classroom.

•   Next, students need to develop problem-solving skills.  They must develop solutions and learn there is more than one way to solve a problem.

•   Also, networking is an important skill for students. They need to understand the important resources available to them.

•   And, students must speak up for themselves. They must be their advocate.

•   As they speak up, they need to learn presentation and communication skills. Because defending their position is an important skill for students to learn.

Communication between parent, child, and teacher is important.  It is more than a three-way partnership. However, all parties involved must work together for a student to reach full academic and social potential.  There is more to communication than a simple conference or a parent-teacher meeting.




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