Gun legislation once again, brought up the notion of arming classroom teachers. The White House states they would support offering federal funds to qualified staff members. And, some states are in support of the legislation and arming teachers.

This idea lingers in spite of the request for stricter gun laws. In addition, many reports show that the majority of people do not want to arm teachers. They feel it creates more problems.
The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association are against guns in schools. They state: “Guns have no place in our schools. Period. We must do everything we can to reduce the possibility of any gunfire in schools, and concentrate on ways to keep all guns off school property and ensure the safety of children and school employees. Lawmakers at every level of government should dismiss this dangerous idea and instead focus on measures that will create the safe and supportive learning environments our children deserve.”
However, the NRA takes every opportunity to push arming teachers. They ignore research that shows no evidence of arming teachers protects children in schools. Indicating, arming teachers makes children less safe.
Safety First
Teachers, resource officers, and law enforcement agencies oppose a policy that permits guns in schools. Also, these organizations say people with a dangerous history must not have the ability to purchase a gun.
Most children are aware of a stored gun in the home. Consequently, they know about of the stored gun in a classroom. And, they are able to get the gun without being noticed.
A fact remains, armed people put police officers in danger and pose a risk to innocent bystanders.
Safe Haven
All schools must be a safe haven from violence. But, many states do not have the laws to keep guns out of dangerous hands. Concealed carry exceptions in schools threaten the safety of students. Thus, increase the probability of a school shooting. Students need a safe place to learn without guns involved.