Summer Homework – Good/Bad

Summer assignments burden most students when school is out. Their mindset is on summer relaxation. In addition to this, parents argue that summer homework takes way the joy of a ‘break’ from school. However, these assignments are to simply keep students ahead of the class.

Person Behind Books – Summer homework2019

Bright, Gifted, and Intelligent Students

Teachers and parents want students to reach their full potential. This includes all students up to intellectually bright and gifted children. So, parents and teachers provide summer learning opportunities whether it is good or bad. According to Psychology Today, bright and gifted children have the brain power to come up with activities that are of interest and developmentally appropriate. They create games, rules for outside play or computer use.

All Students

All students grow intelligently from open-ended questions rather than a simple answer. Good questions are the principal element in the development of critical thinking skills. Open-ended questions do not judge. They are meaningful and serve a purpose that build new ideas. Questions encourage learning. Therefore, as students explore on their own, ask about their projects.

Above all, encourage children to ask questions. Even the exhausting “why” questions are a sign of intelligence.

Students Discover Their Own Interests 2019


Many students stress over summer assignments. They stop activities they enjoy to do something ‘required’ by school.

Summer assignments intent to refresh learned information from the school year. However, students are natural procrastinators. Most finish assignments last minute or not at all. This negates the purpose of the assignment.

Also, some teachers and parents oppose summer assignments because it is not a guarantee that the skill goal gets mastered. Besides, tutors, parents and peers of teens tend to help complete the work. Therefore, homework does not always improve school performance. Students have various levels of intelligence. Hence, one-size-assignments do not fit or suit all interests.

In the End or the Beginning

There is one aspect of summer homework to consider. It takes away time for free play and free discovery. All students need social skills. They need both physical play and mindful play. This is essential to the health of the student. Students must not learn to hate learning. They must be refreshed and ready to begin a new year of academics.

summer assignments 2019

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