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The Journey

SEL (Social and Emotion Learning) and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) get a lot of attention today. Only recently educators realize they need to work together. They are critical together so students become problem solvers.  Thus, they all meet happiness and success in life. Many SEL programs have the basis to develop self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship building, and decision-making. As all students develop these skills, they take responsibility for their behavior and learn to make good choices.

SEL And Science

STEM and SEL go together in many ways. They both teach problem-solving skills. Through problem-solving persistence is learned. Therefore, through several technologies, social-emotion development gets a boost while students learn through the technology of science. Science software gives students a chance to guide the process. They guide a program as they write. Additionally, coding helps to communicate a student’s emotions, show their thinking, and improve behavior. Thus, students focus on the task. Therefore, their attention goes to the challenge. So, students learn about their actions.

STEM lessons, particularly engineering, provides all students the chance to collaborate and grow in social and emotional skills. Engineering lets students work together, and share new ideas. Consequently, through peer engagement, SEL students learn from each other. Also, through activities together, they learn through their mistakes.

As students undertake engineering design challenges they learn how to empathize with each other and others. Through the work they complete together they can regulate their emotions and behavior. They share materials and communicate with one another.

STEM Builds Skills for the Future

Students must know how to exist in a collaborative environment. All students need skills for the future.

  • Self-awareness is the ability to recognize one’s emotions. They learn their strengths and weaknesses through STEM.
  • Self-management skills develop as students reach a goal.
  • Relationship skills develop as they work together.
  • Decision-making skills develop both individually and collaboratively.

The combination of STEM and SEL lessons benefits all students. Through activities, students learn to be inventors. Thus, students reach their full potential of productive, responsible, and caring citizens.









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