motivating students

STEM labs are necessary for all schools. They are important to support the core curriculum. Also, STEM labs must contain science tools and math manipulatives during lessons. Common tools with science lessons are important for use and exploration. Such tools include magnifying glasses, rulers, scales, and calipers.

Kindergarten through middle school students deserve to involve themselves in a STEM lab. Their learning needs to challenge them and to provide a variety of opportunities. Through STEM labs, students become problem solvers, risk-takers, thinkers, and innovators. They take on world problems. Also, students take on a variety of field experiences.

STEM Lab Students

STEM labs are for all students. Especially students that are naturally motivated.

  • Students that like to read and write about a variety of topics benefit from labs.
  • The students that like to design, create, and build benefit from a STEM lab.
  • Students with strong communication skills find labs to enhance their skills.
  • Teams build communication skills through the work they complete together.
  • Individuals, as well as teams, construct goals together.
  • Students learn how to use a variety of resources and tools that aid in the completion of a project.

STEM labs inspire, engage, and prepare students for real-world experiences. there are many benefits students receive through the use of STEM labs. Labs inspire ideas for innovations. Additionally, they inspire the use of technology and digital learning. The climate of the labs provides a safe environment for students to learn. Thus, other students do not judge the efforts of their peers. So, students build confidence and resilience.  Therefore, they learn that failure is acceptable and in the long run, leads to success.

Problem with STEM Labs

STEM education has some problems. Mainly, there is a lack of uniform guidelines for educators to follow.  There is no consistency on specific skills in science, mathematics, or technology. Also, there are no qualification guidelines for teachers who teach in the labs.

Even though STEM classes are designed for grades K through 8, many schools do not have them for primary grades. Therefore, students start STEM classes too late. Unfortunately, many labs are only for the smartest students.

All in all, students benefit from STEM classes. They teach needed skills, they encourage team cooperation, and they promote gender equality. Thus, they close the gap between male and female students.






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