Intrinsic Motivation and Students

Intrinsic motivation comes from within. It provides students motivation for the fun or challenge in an assignment or activity. Internal motivation causes students to reach a goal for self-satisfaction. However, teachers find intrinsic motivation difficult to instill in students. They find it difficult to create a drive to finish assignments and study for exams. This is important because extrinsic motivation wears off. Ultimately, intrinsic motivation brings better academic results than punishment or rewards.

Intrinsic Ways

•   A greater good. Let students know a project or assignment is for a greater good or a higher purpose.

•   A good choice. Remind students that they made a good choice in their attendance in school.

•   Do not punish. Fear is not a motivator.

•   Proud feelings. Remind students of a time they were proud of an accomplishment. Relate it to school.

•   They are capable. Do not tell students they can do the assignment. Instead, tell them they are capable.

•   Use technology. The use of technology is often self-motivating. Encourage students to use their computers, iPads, or phones when possible.

•   Choices are good.  As students get a choice of an assignment or project, they are self-motivated for its completion.

•   Let them compare. Students like to compare their work to others. Let them share their work with small groups or partners.

•   Small goals. Set small goals so they are achievable. Thus, students do not lose interest and give up.

•   Feedback is important. However, do not make feedback personal.

•   Change the environment. At times, a change in environment motivates students.

•   Be a model. Teachers, as well as parents, must model intrinsic motivation. In other words, be excited to start and complete a goal.

Once students are self-motivated, it can have long-lasting effects. Ultimately, it builds self-confidence. It gives students an interest in learning. Also, it gives students a feeling of control over their learning.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are important. However, in the long run, intrinsic is the best to instill in students.

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