Conflict Resolution Demands Nonviolence

Conflict resolution is a skill important for all students. It is a life skill that helps students deal with problems in a non-violent fashion. It also helps students with important decision making that’s needed for their future.

As students develop non-violent conflict resolution methods, they learn compassion. They learn to understand the needs of other as well ass their own needs. Students need to know that conflict is part of life. It does not go away through avoidance.

Conflict is easy to avoid if students have no strategies to deal with the problem or person. The fear of conflict impedes a resolution of the problem. As educators strengthen students’ ability to think through a problem, they learn to control destructive impulses. As students learn strategies, rather than assisting them in an answer, they become independent in their thinking. Through telling students what to do about the problem, skills do not develop,

Conflict Resolution Strategies

First, children need to calm down. Either by separation or deep breaths.

Second, they need to share the issue and listen to each other’s viewpoint. Encourage students to use statements that reflect on what they themselves heard and not accusatory words to the other person involved.

Third, after the students share their perspective, they must take responsibility for their actions. Then respond to what they could have done differently.

Firth, students need to think of various solutions by working as a group.

Sixth, eliminate solutions that do not fit and decide on a comprise.

Sixth, forgive and forget.

Regardless of the argument or fight, as an adult, remain calm. Keep a calm voice and maintain eye contact. Try to discuss the issue in private in a safe place. Recognize the anger in children. Listen and understand the anger. Listen to the root of the issue. Summarize to clarify and do not disagree with the students.

Game For Resolutions

There are many games to help students with conflict resolution. Games give students the ability to solve a dispute. They help students to choose the best solutions to problems. Games create an impact on the development of skills. They bring students together. Games encourage listening. They are nonjudgemental. Thus, they create a culture of respect.

Conflict is Natural

Conflict i naturally a part of societal life. It is inevitable and occurs in the classroom, at home, during sports, and in the workplace. Even though it is natural to have differences, outcomes do not have to be negative. Outcomes can provide opportunities. Conflicts help students to think and be creative. Generally, conflict helps everyone be more productive.






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