Parental Support Makes Schools Dynamic

Parental support is important to student success. Parents that support teachers create dynamic educators. However, many teachers complain about constant criticism and lack of support from parents in classroom matters.

Parental partnerships help to develop successful and well-rounded students. It provides many views that help a student’s understanding. Open communication and collaboration develop a student’s social and emotional growth and academic growth. Students attend class more regularly and take higher-level classes when parents are cooperative. The involvement of parents motivates students to learn.

As parents and teachers work together, they reinforce behaviors and skills needed for students to become successful. Schools without parental involvement stymie the development of students. Meaningful involvement of parents is essential.

Parental Support Yesterday and Today

Schools need a partnership today. In the past, parents supported schools. Parents and teachers were neighbors and friends. They shared community events. Discussions of a student’s progress were natural. Students received the same message at school and at home.

Schools are different today. Small neighborhood schools are far and few between. Parent and teacher relationships no longer exist. Parents work and do not have time to establish a relationship with the school. Many schools do not want parents in the schools, let alone in the classroom. The only time educators call parents is to discuss a problem. This results in misunderstandings and mistrust. It ends in a lack of respect as a student falls behind academically. Thus, teachers hold parents responsible and parents hold teachers responsible.

Begin Before the New School Year

Studies prove a family’s connection to schools impacts a student’s success. It develops lifelong learners. Involvement creates a positive climate in schools and the classroom. There are many ways that schools and parents can connect. Educators need to understand the home life of students.

It’s important to engage the families before the new school begins. However, it’s never too late.

  • Home visits are important for teachers, counselors, and school nurses.
  • Virtual visits give parents a chance to view programs and ask questions.
  • Community meetings and coffee klatches enable families and educators to touch base with each other.

How To Start

Expect each family to be involved, but do not mandate involvement. Explain the importance and how involvement enhances learning. Provide options for them to stay connected and suggest ways.

Parent involvement in schools pays off for each student. Start by being welcoming and responsive. Be a good listener. Good listeners create bonds and partnerships in learning. Parents and teachers care about a child’s education.


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