Uncertified Teachers Damage Academics

Uncertified teachers are entering the classrooms. Today’s schools have to place uncertified teachers in the. classrooms because of a teacher shortage. They have not received the same training and licensing as traditionally certified teachers. Teachers that are not properly certified cause damage to a student’s academic growth.

Today, there are debates about placing people in the classroom that have no training to teach students. Advocates for teacher preparation argue teachers must understand how students learn. Low-income schools must have certified teachers. They need to know how to make material and resources available to various learners so they meet success. Studies find there is a positive effect on a teacher’s education and certification of a student’s achievement.

Noncertified teachers can fill in areas of the school as necessary, but they are not a long-term solution to the problems schools are facing. There are too many issues in the classroom that untrained adults will face.  Teachers must have empathy for students. Students need a caring environment that shows interest in what they are doing.

Uncertified Veterans

Some politicians have a solution for classroom shortages. They think to place veterans and their spouses in the schools. These undermine the qualifications of teachers. Educators attend many classes to get their teaching degrees. They do not appreciate a person with a high school education educating students by simply passing a test to get a five-year temporary certificate.

Certified teachers have a minimum of 60 college credits. They must also maintain a 2.5 GPA and they must pass a state test. However, veterans must have a minimum of 48 months of military service. They must also have an honorable/medical discharge. When hired by a district, they must have a teaching mentor.

Parents Have Mixed Feelings

Many parents are concerned about the national teacher shortage. According to a national Harris survey of US parents, 76% are concerned more about the teacher shortage than any other topic.

Some districts hire parents to teach when certified teachers are not available. Parents must pass one of several courses with at least an 85% score to substitute. They must provide instruction and manage the behavior of the class.

Parents must know their children are in the classroom with uncertified teachers. However, many teachers feel burnout because of the pandemic. Students have fallen behind in basic reading and math. Teachers must make up for missed instruction. Plus, teachers must fill in for each other due to sickness.

Solutions to the Shortage

One solution to the teacher shortage, according to the American Federation of Teachers, is to offer better salaries. Also, they need to consider various strategies for teacher shortages.

  • Districts can rehire retired staff members.
  • In the short term, districts need to provide targeted incentives for all teachers. This will keep the present teachers and draw in more hires.
  • Districts must consider changes to licensure policies to support teacher certification.
  • Build a substitute pool that allows teachers to take breaks and support full-time teachers.
  • Build the capacity of the staff to serve all students in need of tutoring.
  • Increase teacher aides.
  • Provide professional development to all staff members on a continued basis.
  • Monitor and improve working conditions.
  • Keep flexibility in the teacher’s schedules and times.
  • Relax and celebrate together.

Teachers support student education. They make sure parents and the community are aware of what it is they do. Students need competent and trained teachers to prepare them for the future. They do more than help students learn to read and do math. They teach them how to behave. They inspire the creativity in students to reach their dreams. They challenge them and encourage them through the day and the year. Teachers are role models for lifelong learning. Teachers make a difference in every student’s lives. Teaching isn’t a job. It’s a calling that not just anyone,can do.

Encourage teachers to stay in the field through incentives, respect, and support.





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