Bonding with Parents is Enlightening

Bonding with parents is necessary for a student’s success. Working with parents while managing a classroom can be difficult. However, it’s important to interact with about 90 percent of the students’ parents. A part of interacting with parents is to find out how to address them. Talking to them in a positive and friendly manner helps to create a connection for communication.

Bonding and Communicating

Be positive and address parents and caregivers correctly. They want to be part of the success of their students. Tell them about partnering with them. Find out their student’s likes and dislikes. Let them know that, as a teacher, support in working with parents is necessary for their success. Therefore, tell them ways to support their student in the classroom. Provide information about the classroom and its goals. Also, explain the education system and correct any misconceptions they have. Provide some content on the subjects taught.

When speaking to parents, begin with praise, then state a concern. Sometimes parents do not speak English. Provide a translator if necessary. Make a ritual of calling home about something positive – no matter how small. A newsletter also shows parents what is happening. However, newsletters do not always make it home. A positive phone call is best. Communication is important. Thus, words matter. The language used when meeting and greeting parents is critical. Listen to what parents say, don’t assume. Be aware of various types of families and assume nothing. It is also important to remember some families do not want to share information.

If the student is present when speaking to a parent, smile and look at the student. This helps the bonding process. It also shows a caring relationship. Invite the parent’s input, opinions, and conclusions.

The Goal is Student Success

A relationship between parents and teachers is necessary to build a productive environment at home. The student becomes accustomed to learning, practicing, and completing assignments. A positive parent-teacher relationship lets students feel good about school. It shows trust in the teacher and the system.

Involving parents in the classroom and other school opportunities, teachers can begin to listen and embed more ideas, thoughts, and concerns in lessons and activities. Thus, they have a collaborative partnership.

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