Struggling Readers Need Help

Struggling readers exist in many classrooms. Helping students learn to read consists of various programs and workshops for teachers. Many programs guarantee success.  However, teachers know more about teaching the science of reading than the science of reading instruction.

Many students struggle to read at their grade level. This causes them to be frustrated, anxious, and ashamed in front of their peers. It is necessary to support students who struggle to read, especially in younger grades. Once students are in 3rd grade, they must learn to read for content or information. Students cannot be strong readers without basic reading skills by grade three.

Struggling Readers Feel Shame

According to Donald Nathanson, students who lack reading skills often demonstrate behavioral issues. They tend to put themselves down and may also verbally attack others, including the teacher. At times, they will withdraw and avoid participating in class. Additionally, struggling students may become disruptive and act out in class.

Reading is the foundation of all subjects in every grade. Therefore, students without reading skills struggle to succeed. They fall behind in their classes. When students are asked to read aloud in class, their lack of skills leads to judgment and teasing from their peers. As a result, students distance themselves from their classmates.

Struggling Readers Need Strategies

The right strategies, in combination with each other, improve struggling readers.

  • Begin to teach students the main idea. If there is more than one, teach them to blend them so they are relevant to each other.
  • Build an understanding of text structure. Provide examples of cause and effect, compare and contrast, etc.
  • Let students sequence their version of the text.

No single strategy works miracles. Use a combination to determine what works best. To develop strong readers, students must understand the meaning of the text and connect it to prior concepts. As students understand how various text structures are related, their ability to comprehend is enhanced.

Identify the Problem in Early Grades

A struggling reader may not be easily recognized. However, for many young students, reading is a challenge. With the appropriate recognition and strategies, they become good readers.  To identify problem readers, look for specific problems. A student may have continued difficulty rhyming words. They may not hear individual sounds. Students who also have difficulty following directions may struggle with reading. They also have difficulty retelling a story. Last, a student avoids reading aloud.

Teachers can support students with needs by creating a positive climate where students do not fear speaking up. They are comfortable talking about their emotions with reading. They do not fear their peers will mock or laugh.

The creation of a supportive classroom environment that empowers students is one that all students will meet with success.






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