Lead – Are Principals No Longer Needed

teachLead is the word for today’s teachers. Today’s trend in school districts is to have complete teacher control.  Working together collegially toward a common vision is the only way to achieve systemic change.  Leadership in schools, regardless of it being teacher leaders or a single principal, is the ability to influence the staff, students, and parents.  Leaders act differently in similar situations even if they have different personalities. Many organizations are created with partnerships and operate successfully in many fields (medicine, law, engineering, architecture).

How does a school function its management portion without a principal?  One way is for teachers to share the duties with at least two leaders, one professional and one administrative.  Teachers accept the responsibility of accountability because it is shared.  Educators work together on instructional planning, professional development, enrichment programs, peer evaluation, and hiring.  Teachers decide what is best for their students.

Teacher professional partnerships began in Minnesota and has moved across the country to schools in Cincinnati, Ohio, Portland, Maine, Denver, Colorado, and Milwaukee Public Schools to name a few.  These were developed through the teacher’s local unions and waivers from aspects of the collective bargaining agreement.

Leadership is its own discipline according to the National Association of School Principals.  Studies indicate that leadership is second to teaching that affects student learning. School Leaders are a crucial part of the students’ complete educational experience.

Unfortunately there are schools that question the effectiveness of schools run by teachers especially if they do not have administrative and management training.  Many times, when something goes wrong, districts look for someone to blame.

Before taking on this monumental task, much training and research is needed. Teachers need to be willing to put in long hours (more than they already do). All staff member must be constantly working to improve his or her teaching strategies and skills.  Most of the teacher led schools are small but some have been as large as 650 students.

Education should get in line with the professional world.  One individual cannot be the best at everything when it comes to operating a school. Across the U.S. accomplished teachers are doing what they do best.  They have great ideas and understand what students need.  Teachers are able to take on the challenges of designing and running a school.  It is time for schools to re-govern themselves utilizing the talented people that were hired to teach our students.

With more and more schools developing and improving on existing teacher lead schools; it will take time to determine whether teacher lead schools have a positive impact.  This model shows much support for what our school systems needs today.

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