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It is not uncommon for new math methods to cause panic with parents. But, Common Core has been around for several years; and, once again, common core math problems and solutions have reared its ugly head on social media.  Parents are outraged because they do not understand the reason for various solutions to what appears to be a simple problem. Parents want educators to teach math the way they learned in school. They are flustered because they don’t understand and can’t help with their child’s homework.

Common Core math is designed to increase the rigor of our education system. Students are taught to be thorough and accurate in their math solutions. Common Core math has the potential to improve math instruction in all schools. Common Core challenges students to strategize rather than memorize mnemonics, facts, or equations. It provides students with the mathematical principals involved in a problem. Common Core math standards look more like the way other developed countries teach students.

Common Core mathematic standards help students in several ways:

•   It puts creativity back into the classroom.  The old NCLB tests an curricula took out the creative activities teachers and students so enjoyed and had to put away. Common Core lets teachers explore a variety of solutions and activities for hands-on learning and creative exploration.

•   Concepts are explored for depth and not covered ‘a mile long and an inch deep’.  Students are able to dive into a full understanding of the content and acquire number sense in the process.

•   Critical thinking is enhanced. Regurgitation of facts and formulas are no longer acceptable. Students have to demonstrate knowledge through pictures and or written language.

•   Collaboration and teamwork is part of the learning. Students share concepts and methods with teams and whole group.  All students are able to support each other. This is a concept that will be used as they enter the job market.

•   With increased conceptual understanding, collaboration with other students, critical thinking skills and number sense, students become college ready.

•   It allows for differentiation because students can push ahead when they demonstrate conceptual understanding.  It includes directions and alternative pathways that are more advanced than the regular pathway. Middle school and high school students can easily complete courses.

We need to set aside the ‘old math’ methods and learn number sense along with our children.  Stressing conceptual understanding of numbers is not a new approach to teaching math.  It is a well-known technique that many educators have favored for years. Common Core aims to raise student achievement through the standardization of what is being taught across the United States.

Don’t trash something simply because you don’t understand the process.   Our students need to understand what they are doing in mathematics so they are able to use and apply the concepts when they leave the classroom.  With Common Core mathematics, students will be able to explain the math, not just ‘do the math’.






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