Competency Based Grading

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Competency based assessment is the method of collecting evidence using a benchmark provided by a standard. It is not about passing or failing students. The student is assigned a task or a group of tasks (competencies) to be completed.  The assessment of the task by a qualified educator determines what or how much the student learned. It is based on what the student must know and be able to do with the context that is specified in the competency standard. For example, one high school mathematics competency would be: Students will demonstrate the ability to use and extend properties of complex number systems that includes both real and imaginary numbers. The domain would be the Real Number System.

Competency based assessments report on what students need to learn and where improvements are needed.  It is different than that of traditional assessments in the form of:

•  allowing students to demonstrate their learning when they are ready,

•  requiring students to explain their learning and,

•  providing flexibility in the method of how they demonstrate knowledge.

Competency based tests, like standards bases tests provide educators rich information that enables educators to target support to students.  It gives students the flexibility in preparing themselves for the next steps in the learning.  They move at their own pace.

Through this process, students own their learning and are empowered through their success. Support is built between student and teacher as they collaborate through each competency.  The focus is on the learning and not on a final grade.

Competency based and standards based assessments are similar but not synonymous with standards based.  Standards based are a way of thinking about grading and assessing that provides parents and students with information on what they have achieved.  It also includes time in class. Competency based moves students from one level to the next based on their understanding of the competency.  It does not include the time spent in the classroom as does standards based assessments.

Competency based assessments presently exist in higher education and in the work force.  As for elementary and high schools, we need to move to standards based assessing.  And let higher education and companies develop the competency based education that fits into the goals of that particular work place or class study.  Additionally, we need to move toward standards based so parents and students are able to achieve goals and master the expected standards.  Stop working for the ‘A’ and work toward achieving a learning goal.

**There will be a reposting of the edu-blog on Standards Based Assessment next week due to the transfer of this website to a different host.


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