Respect Girls – Teach Boys

Respect and teaching how to show respect appears to be a major issue today. When not modeled at home, it must be modeled at school. Our girls appear to be the brunt of a lack of respect.  Last week’s blog was about empowering girls. But, how are they empowered if they are not respected? And, where and when does it begin?

Respect at a young age

The Beginning of Respect or Disrespect

As babies been to crawl, boys and girls interact. They interact with their peers, older children and both male and female adults. Regard toward girls and women needs taught and modeled immediately. Boys need taught to listen to the wishes of girls and women.

Disrespecting our girls leads to disrespecting women.  It begins early through what they see, stories they hear and from observing adult behavior.  Too many times adults don’t realize their own behavior and comments. Especially when the behavior is in a joking manner. When children see or hear it, they begin to come to the understanding that disrespect is acceptable.

How Do We Model And Teach Our Boys Respect?

As educators and parents we must be aware of what we say and how we act in front of our children as well as in front of other children. We must:

•   Teach and model that a girl is a person.

•   Understand that girls have feelings.

•   When speaking to girls, speak directly and look into their eyes.

•   Inquire about her feelings and opinions.

•   Listen as she speaks.

•   Know that no means no.

•   To spread stories and speak untrue statements is not acceptable.

Our boys must understand that we all grow and change.  People will remember how they’ve been treated.  We need to teach our boys to be proud of how they not only act when they are around girls but to be proud of how they act in general.  To quote blogger Christina Moss,  “Maybe we’ve focused so much on trying to keep children from becoming victims that we’ve forgotten to teach them not to be perpetrators. Maybe we just thought they could figure that out on their own…”

Blog Discipline/Punishment

Blog: Respect

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