Spirit day in school is popular because it lets students form an emotional involvement with the school community. Also, it is the feeling a student gets when he/she steps into the school building. In other words, it is the pride in your school. Many times, it is a deterrent to negative behavior. Often, schools show school spirit by dressing up in school colors or having a pep assembly. Middle school and high school usually have various days to celebrate school spirit. However, many elementary schools are joining the fun with a variety of ideas.
An on line survey of high school students indicate that school spirit sets the attitude for the school and its students. Student involvement demonstrates pride in what they are doing. Furthermore, students that show school spirit tend to do better academically. And, they are engaged in social and civic matters. Therefore, generally speaking, they are happier than students that are less-spirited.
Spirit Day Results
• A positive learning environment for everyone.
• Excitement in attending.
• Relationships among peers.
• A connection within the school.
• An environment for students to work cooperatively in a common goal.
Why Some Hate Spirit Day
Many spirit days become a pain for working parents. Consequently, they feel they must create some kind of costume. In addition, some parents have very fussy children. Hat Day and Crazy Hair Day may not be very popular. So, find an alternative such as, baseball cap or a ribbon in the hair. Mismatch Day is another difficult day for fussy children. But, most elementary children will naturally mismatch clothing if left on their own to decide what to wear. Nevertheless, if a student is absolutely against participating and feels uncomfortable in the chosen attire for the day, so be it. Permitting them not to participate is acceptable. In not participating, the student displays independence and courage. He/she simply likes being him/herself.