Fail, the word or action sounds damaging to students. However, permitting them to experience the consequences of a failing grade for not studying for a test or missing an assignment may benefit a student in the long-run.

Students need to know that everyone tries and fails. But, they keep on trying. And, students need to experience failure. When students fail, there is an opportunity for them to receive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. Failure tells students the area that needs improvement.

Fail With Purpose

To fail with a purpose is to set a high standard and let students know when the standard is not met. Nonetheless, students must have detailed suggestions and feedback on how to improve. And, students must have time to make needed revisions. Failure isn’t synonymous with ‘loser’, it must mean ‘you can do better’.

Why Fail?

Research finds no explanation for failure. But, it does state reasons why students fail.

•  Lack of direction – Students have no personal goal for their future. And, no reason to learn concepts.

•  Pressure from parents – Parents want their child to succeed. However, too much pressure to do well academically can backfire. Because, the student feels less inspired and/or threatened. Also, it causes the child to have anxiety.

•   Laziness – Students are not motivated to attend class or complete work.

•   No confidence – Students feel they do not have the ability to complete a task or learn a new concept.

•  Problems at home – As problems arise from home, students loose focus in school. Concentration levels become depleted.

•   Drugs – Prescription or over-the-counter drugs cause some students to loose concentration or even to stay awake.

•   Social or athletic involvement – Too many after school activities cause schoolwork to decline. Students lack sleep and time for homework with too many activities

Students need a focus for the future.  Also,they need a goal or learning becomes insignificant. If there is no goal or purpose, there is no interest in studying.  And, the goal must not be too big.  This will cause frustration in reaching the goal. Have children set objectives that are within their ability level. Thus, failure becomes the way to improve and reset goals.




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