
Religion often becomes a topic of discussion in schools this time of the year with Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. Nonetheless, there are at least 14 religious holidays celebrated in December.

An old custom was to never discuss religion in school.  Today, teaching about faith continues to be controversial in schools. But, many educators say the school curriculum is not complete without religious literacy or history. Reason being, schools contain students with many faiths and beliefs.

However, in today’s world, a mishap can occur. Particularly with a discussion of Islam. But, it doesn’t have to cause misunderstandings or chaos. And, religion can be inserted into lesson plans with a little know-how. On account of, we want students to understand the world in which they live. Therefore, they need to know the basic facts about different faiths and traditions.

Religion and Teaching

Public schools do not teach to a specific faith. However, they are able to teach about various faiths. And, they are able to teach the Bible for its historical, cultural and/or literary value.

•  Historical value – History demonstrates political and cultural influences that relate to religion.

•   Cultural value –   Often, this includes religious beliefs that shape the way of living and acting in the world.

•   Literary value –  English and language arts contain many references from the Bible. And, understanding them is important. They demonstrates how culture influences literature in both style and text.


As long as the presentation of a faith is secular, it is an acceptable part of the curriculum. Classroom lessons must instill understanding and respect for a pluralistic culture. For that reason, discussions must remain neutral and objective. They must contain facts and not opinions. There are few reasons to teach content on the way people worship:

•  Teasing about religious beliefs begin in the early grades.

•   Religion is a large part of history, literature and culture in today’s news.

•   The make-up of religious beliefs is changing in the U.S.

•   Understanding religion sparks harmony.

•   And, most people are unschooled about religion.

Religion must not be censored in today’s educational institutions. Children need to learn about religion. Teaching about various faiths in educational institutions builds an understanding. Also, it builds a basic foundation in which the students can open a discussion in the home environment. Our society is as diverse as it has ever been. And, students need to understand various faiths in order to accept their peers as well as be accepted by their peers.

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