Bully-Proofing Children

Bully-proofing children is a must.  After all the years of programs that teach children what to do about bullies, it’s still happening. Therefore, it’s important to start early. And, as early as pre-school.  Nonetheless, it’s never too late.

Today, our schools are still struggling to teach effective approaches to bully-proofing children. Television programs and social media unfortunately have increased bullying. Still, there is time to help children develop skills and build resilience to be bully-proof.

Begin Bully-Proofing

Studies indicate smart children that lack non-cognitive skills are open to bullying. To build non-cognitive skills begin to develop the sense of self. This begins the bully-proofing process.bully-proofing

•  Encourage courageous behavior. And, teach children to speak up when they see a problem. Teachers, parents and coaches must encourage children to express views.

•  Also, explore activities that are of interest to a child. This enables them to feel good about themselves. And, it empowers them as they make a choice.

•  Develop problem solving skills and allow children to explore various ways to solve their own problems.

•  It is important for teachers, parents and coaches to lead by example. And, by modeling, students get the real picture of actions at work.

•  Teach children to be compassionate about themselves. Mistakes are made and children must learn how to forgive themselves. Encourage them to see mistakes in a positive light.

•  Teach children mindfulness. The need for self-control is important. Encourage children to think and calm themselves rather than react instantly.

Bullying continues to be a problem both in and out of school. Spend time on the development of non-cognitive skills. This starts bully-proofing our children. Teachers and parents are not always able to protect children from bullies. But, we can bully-proof them. Build the resilience needed to stop bullying. Provide them with essential coping tools that will carry on to later years.



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