public school

Parent partners through various ways of communication create a successful school community.  Keeping parents notified with students’ success is important in the creation of a solid school community. An immediate text or an email does wonders for the child’s self-worth and mindset. Also, this communication gives way to a conversation at dinner about a day in school.

Most educators utilize technology to keep in touch with parents and vice versa. In addition, some schools add disposable cameras to the school list so children can take pictures of their school achievements and projects.  Students love to please their teachers. But, they LOVE to please their parents even more. So, engaging parents within the school is a part of the process of parent-child-school engagement.parent partners

Parent Partners Today

Today, there is a gap between achievement of students of different cultures.  Some schools have narrowed the gap. However, more must be done. With this, the answer lies in parent involvement and school-to-home communication. So, when parents engage with the child’s learning process and take an interest in school, they demonstrate the value of school as well as the learning. Thus, help to raise achievement. And, have positive effects on behavior and attendance.

Turn conferences into stories of student engagement and experiences of the learning process. Classrooms need to be open to student led tours for parents.   And, open to specific lessons as students engage themselves in a project or a discussion.

The involvement of parents in the school is a daunting task. But, it doesn’t need to be a three-ring circus with food. It simply needs to be engaging parent partners in the process of the learning. Thus, an increase in student achievement with an opportunity for parents to contribute.

As parents take initiatives on learning-related business, it builds a foundation for parent partners in education. Educators visualize education differently than parents. As both educators and parents present view points on educational concepts, a stronger school community is made.

parent partners





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