Action – Parents, Teachers, Students


Action and making caring common life skills is very much in need today.  Our children must be safe. Especially in our schools. They must be respected and learn to respect. Therefore, it’s important to engage students in conversation of current issues and how people feel.action and understanding

Action and Discussions

No matter the age of a child or student, upsetting or threatening news affects them emotionally.  And, they feel worried, frightened and angry.  Therefore, these feelings last long after an event or tragedy is over.  As students question or discuss an event  in the news, it’s important to remain calm and unemotional.  Thus, allowing them to be calm during a discussion about solutions to a problem or an event that happens.  And, let children of any age take action to solve a problem they experience.

Students can take part in discussions and/or actions. They can send post cards to express an opinion to a politician.  And, for humanitarian efforts, they can assemble care packages. Young children often hear parents or teachers talking. They must hear that they are safe. However, a child’s maturity and temperament must be considered before any discussion.

There are many children that can handle a discussion of an event that is threatening.  But, many students see events in simple terms. They are beginning to develop their moral beliefs.  Remember, children and/or students take what parents and educators say and do to heart.  And, with children attaining information while they are out and about, misconceptions occur.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all to address a tragedy with children. Thus, avoid the topic until a child is around the age of 8 years old, unless it directly affects the child personally. But, if children hear about tragedies from other children, a discussion is necessary.

Children have rights. And, they have the right to understand and to participate. However, they must learn to exercise their rights responsibility as a caring citizen.

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