Snow days are an inconvenience for all. Parents, teachers and administrators hate them. The fact that they need made-up becomes a head-ache for everyone. It’s time that schools start smart planning for the next school year and build a method to eliminate outdated snow make-up days. It’s time to implement an alternative way of handling school closings due to the weather.
Opening a school as other schools are closed, wastes an academic day. Also, on a make-up day, absenteeism rises. Therefore, the introduction of new material is impossible.
With today’s technology, many schools develop work from home to replace snow days. They are able to complete work with the help of their teachers’availability during the day.
Snow Days and the Calendar
Some ways to be proactive to closing school is to build additional days into the school calendar. Or, add tentative days to the calendar. Another method is to increase online options. Teachers are able to hold class from home computers. Students log-in and attend class for the day.
It’s time to stop eliminating holiday breaks, teacher days, adding minutes to the day or conducting classes on Saturday. Schools must think toward the future and utilize technology. Virtual schools are here. Alternative Methods of instruction give school districts the option to assign work and/or conduct class on days when schools are closed due to emergencies.
Many school districts are turning to technology to replace make-up days. Technology provides an option for learning during extreme weather and even flu epidemics. Presently, students text online, connect with each other with face-time, play video games and surf the web. So, schools must begin to conduct classes online when schools must close. As we find proactive ways to approach school closings through technology, everyone will be better off. It’s time to teach for the future and end make-up days.