
Creativity is important for students to express. For the most part, schools today focus on core subjects, English/Language Arts, mathematics, science. However, some of these subjects do not promote creativity in the classrooms.  Also, schools tend to focus on keeping students safe. They focus on cognitive skills and social behavior.

Creativity and Divergent Thinking

As schools teach creativity, children are motivated for a deeper learning of new ideas.  Also, they use higher-level thinking skills. It does not involve worksheets or glue. Creative projects encourage divergent thinking. Also, it motivates. Therefore, it generates new ideas to promote creative abilities.

Thinking Creatively 

Creative thinking is a necessary part of education. However, it is not a natural gift nor is it something magical. It is a skill that is taught. Students must practice the creativity aspect and develop the skill for the future. Many jobs require creative thinkers.

Teaching Creativity

Educators are creative. They think creatively with their presentations and lessons every day. They use creative methods to reach students. So, here are some strategies to use in school and at home:

•   Involve children and students in open-ended problems. Also, encourage them to discover their own topics for exploration.

•   Utilize art  whenever possible.  Include picture drawings, paintings, models, graphs/charts, movies, podcasts, etc.  Also, visuals promote thought.

•   Journaling spurs the imagination. Record thoughts, actions and future actions.

•   Brainstorm methods of solving a dilemma. The more participants in the brainstorm session the better. As students share ideas, other ideas develop.

•   Let students teach.  Children develop various methods of solving problems. They are the best teachers of other students.

The above are only a few suggestions that are encouraged for classroom and home use.  The future needs creative thinkers. Classrooms focus on similar thinking. They attempt to teach one method of solving a math problem or conducting a science experiment. One method only develops one answer.  However, students today need to think divergently. They need to find multiple solutions and answers. They need to find their own problems and solve them.





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