The Summer countdown to the last day of school begins after state testing.  This is a habit of many teachers and parents.  However, it sends the wrong message. Also, some children are not ready for school to close. Thus, causing anxiety.  Instead of counting days until summer vacation, make the days count. The school goal for the year isn’t its end, it’s about the learning. Counting down sends a negative message to students and parents.

Summer countdown

Summer Countdown Message

Counting down the days of school is not always pleasant for students. Actually, it can sound like a ‘sentence’ and not a life-long learning process. Plus, it makes the school year go slower rather than faster for other students. The time spent with students is important. When focusing on the count down, the focus of learning is lost. Everyday must count in the process of learning. Most students and teachers are looking forward to summer vacation. However, students who love school and love learning will miss attending class over the summer. They are good at academics, therefore, they will miss the classroom.

To some teachers and students the end of the year possibly means the end of stress and frustration.  They are ready to say goodbye to the year.  However, some see the end of the year as missing challenges, successes, struggles, and laughter. Thus, making it hard to walk out the door for the last time.

Make Everyday Count

Make the most of the end-of-the-year with planned activities. Plan field trips and programs. Many classroom activities are center based or project based. Another alternative is to have students participate in summer homework projects.

Everyday of the school year counts. It is vital for the success of each student not to miss out on any day of learning. The last weeks of school is a time when with a little work and organization, meaningful learning happens. Embrace the final days by providing days students will remember after they leave. Once it is time for students to leave, embrace them and thank them for the year of learning.

summer countdown



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