Gun education in schools is a must for our students.  There are too many shootings today.  And, guns are easy to get.  Therefore, gun education in schools will teach kids about safety.  It would not be about handling, promoting or demoting guns, simply about the safety.  And, it would not be about educators carrying guns.

Many ideas are for the school curriculum to open conversations about guns. It is a fact that students are exposed to guns whether they are legally owned or stolen. Students need to understand the dangers and misuse of guns.

Gun Education Possibilities

School boards and curriculum directors must come up with a curriculum plan. Then, funding for the project if needed. Also, the school community must understand its importance.

Today, many parents are gun owners. And, students are aware of the guns in their home.  However, not all parents teach gun safety in the way others would approach the subject.  But, many experienced people say not to avoid the topic. In addition, students need understand what to do when they come upon a gun.

Protect The Children

A gun at home must come with precautions. Weather there are children in the home or visitors bring children into the home, caution is necessary. Children do not know the dangers a gun brings. They see videos and cartoons that display bad people being shot. Children do not know the difference between a gun that is loaded and one that is not.  And, children are naturally curious. Educators and parents must learn the dos and don’ts about gun safety and teach children.

It’s evident that guns are a part of our children’s lives. Therefore, we as parents and educators must learn to deal with teaching children and students.  Whether parents and educators are for or against guns, it is not wise to refuse to learn and teach students about gun safety. Education is important.

gun education


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