Common Core Standards Still Exist

Common Core Standards came under fire when they were first introduced in 2010. In addition, Betsy DeVos recently declared common core as a “disaster” and stated “At the U.S. Department of Education, Common Core is dead.”

However, 35 states (including the District of Columbia) have kept the standards.  Eleven states rewrote or replaced portions and one state kept the  English/language arts standards.  So, they are still in use in schools throughout the United States. This is because students throughout the United States take end-of-year tests that align with Common Core.

Common Core Revisions

Several revisions to the standards include changes in the wording for clarification. Also, changes include the rewording of concepts.  Some states even revised the math standards to make them more rigorous. Additionally, states added new skills to the existing standards in various grade levels.


Even though Common Core was controversial at first, it still exists in schools.  It exists in both untouched form or in a revised form.  However, the original purpose of the standards was to make school systems across the United States more comparable.  And, level the playing field for all students to enter college. Additionally, the intention of the standards is still to improve education in a global culture. Nevertheless, the more revisions occur, the less comparable they become state to state.


It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of the use of the standards.  The question is whether the teachers are actually using the standards while they teach and to what level they are supported by the administration. The effectiveness of student outcomes is also not known. Additional research must be completed to support implementation by teacher and the outcome of student effectiveness.

The implementation of common core is a money making venture for many companies.  However, no program shows academic improvement as of yet. The standards do not address problems of students with disabilities, English Language learners, or poverty stricken students.

Studies are inconclusive. Some studies indicate that student scores are improving and other studies report they are not. Common core or not, what remains consistent is the fact that today’s teachers strive everyday to help students achieve. They look for methods and strategies to improve learning and to strengthen their own teaching skills regardless of teaching to the standards. Consequently, Common Core provides them with a foundation.

common core standards




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