Hating school is how many students feel. It starts as early as elementary school. However, it may start before.

Hating school

Children are pushed to read and write as early as preschool. They learn their sounds and letters. Preschoolers even do worksheets. Therefore, many preschools and parents push children to learn before they are developmentally ready. In addition, many parents and instructors do not utilize the appropriate teaching techniques that motivate students. Thus, a child’s love of learning disappears because they are not ready. Once a student loses his or her desire to learn, school is an unpleasant place.

Students must explore and have free play according to their developmental ability. Mostly, schools tell children their interest and to follow the plan of the teacher. Schools must regain a student’s interest and recover their love of learning.

To recover the desire to learn, first parents and teachers must find out the crux of the problem. Children don’t wake up one morning and decide they hate school. A problem occurs somewhere.

Problems stem from difficult school work to work that is too easy. Sometimes, a student does not feel as smart as their peers. Also, apathy sets in if a student misses too much school. But, as the reason for hating school surfaces, a fix is possible.

Solve The Problem

Parents and educators can begin to solve the problem by creating a list of possible reasons for not liking school. Then, create a list of what a student enjoys. Last, evaluate the list for possible fixes.

To begin, let children be children.

Recess and free play is an important part of processing learned information. Schools must have time for recess and the home environment must provide time for free play. However, free play time must not be used for behavioral purposes.

• Learning must be age appropriate. Forcing children to do academics before they are ready is detrimental to future academic progress.

• Relaxation is important. In school, meditation time has many benefits. Science shows meditation is healthy for the brain as well as a child’s behavior.

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Love Learning

Children crave exploring their interests. There is no reason for anyone to hate school other than a limit to free choice. A school’s purpose is to give students the tools they need for the development of the whole child. They must have the freedom to express themselves. Their interests need developed.

In addition, all children must be accepted and understood. Once this is accomplished, children will find a love of learning and a love of school.



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