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Quality homework, once again is the great debate with the start of school. Many say there is too much. Others, say it is not relevant. Furthermore, many say it is a necessary evil.

Homework must connect to the school’s curriculum. The work at home must be of value to the student’s education.

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Busywork, as an assignment, takes up time and has no relevance to what is studied in school. However, in the classroom, it has value. Busywork has its value as students need to practice skills learned. Nonetheless, it doesn’t teach anything new.

First, busywork is work what the students previously completed and mastered.

Next, the work does not move the student further in the learning process.

Third, it does not pertain to any new or upcoming content.

Last, the assignment is not at the learning level of the student. It may be too easy or it may be too difficult. Either way, it must be developmentally and academically suitable.

Quality Homework

Homework does have it’s value in a student’s educational process. Studies prove that it improves student achievement. In addition, it provides good study habits and prepares students with skills for life-long learning. Also, it provides parents the opportunity for home-school involvement and parent-child bonding.

Valued or quality homework involves critical thinking skills. A focus question for upcoming content also causes students to think about new content. Also, assignments that require students to reflect on a particular lesson’s purpose is valuable as a homework assignment.

It’s the quality of the homework that is important. According to the publication, Educational Leadership, quality homework meets educational standards. Briefly, the high points of quality assignments are: purpose, efficiency, ownership, competence and aesthetic appeal. If these qualities are not met, then the homework is not quality. However, if it is simply busywork, time is better spent playing outside.

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