Attendance With Remote Learning

Attendance still counts with remote learning. Thus, students in most schools are expected to log-on and complete daily assignments. Most students can expect to be without traditional instruction for months. Without the participation of daily assignments, students that do not engage have the chance of a significant academic loss in the application of previously learned material. Also, they lose the exposure to new content.

Many teachers schedule video interactions with students. Too, the remote lessons incorporate check-in forms, morning notes, a question for the day, daily or weekly video chats, phone calls, and exit tickets that indicate a student’s daily participation. This interaction helps teachers to track students and let them know the level of engagement.

Attendance Is Important

Just like attendance in a brick-and-mortar school, the presence of a student matters. However, there are many reasons a student may not be able to log on.  Some students do not have access to the Internet. Meanwhile, other students are more focused on necessities. They may have to take care of siblings. Also, they may worry more about the next meal.

Absenteeism is a problem regardless of remote learning or in a traditional school. Yet, with schools closed, more students miss remote class assignments. with this problem, several schools talk about summer sessions or an early start in the fall. At the worst, the repeat of a grade level for some.

Many schools are concerned that some students feel remote learning is not important. They feel that attendance is not important. Additionally, some schools do not have reliable emails or phone numbers to contact every parent. Therefore, they are not able to check on students for the reason for nonparticipation.

Educators offer support for remote learning through emails and phone calls. Teachers are available to help both parents and students. Thus, they encourage daily participation for all students.

Schools need to be commended for the quick availability of remote learning during this pandemic. As a result, must log on daily to keep their learning on par if they are able.

attendance 2020




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