standardized tests

Testing is gone for this year because of the Covid-19 virus. State testing has been in existence since the 90s with Improving America’s Schools Act. Schools must begin the new year without data from the tests. Also, districts need data for accountability. Fortunately, the U.S. Department of Education has waived accountability determinations. Some states give tests that are not part of the federal testing act. Therefore, they must decide to keep the tests or eliminate them. Yet, state tests are a fair and objective method of assessment for students and schools.

There is pressure for schools to reduce testing from many sources. The sources include unions, teachers, parents, and students. The state tests give many students and teachers stress. Also, classroom instruction suffers. Instruction turns its focus on the test.  Thus, they take time away from actual learning.  However, the tests provide data for each student’s learning.

State tests show student performance gaps. Thus, a comparison of achievement is made objectively across states, districts, and schools. As a result, with a mobile society, tests indicate the adjustments for instructional programs.

Some claim the temporary stoppage in state testing leads to a permanent stoppage. Tests are at risk unless they can convince policymakers it is an important part of school improvement. They must convince policymakers testing leads to educational equality.

Alternatives to Yearly State Tests

Educators say standardized tests do not tell what students know and need to learn. Students and parents need to see progress and growth as it occurs. To show growth or the lack of after the fact does not help students. Therefore, more formative tests can provide information to direct instruction.

There must not be a comparison of students to their peers. Tests need only to show their progress. Thus, self-confidence in learning grows. However, the constant individualized formative assessments do not create a level playing field throughout schools. Thus, formative tests must follow state standards.

•   Sampling is an alternative approach to yearly tests. The state test is given but not every year. Plus, choose only a sample of students to test.

•   Additionally, use more and different types of data to show performance and indicate accountability.

•   Also, a Gallup student poll provides levels of student well-being.

The success of students and schools are based on tests. Yet, more educators look for an alternative way of testing as a measurement of school and student progress.

testing 2020




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