Black History Needs Taught

Black history is important for all children to learn and understand. It is more than learning about Martin Luther King, or Juneteeth. It is a vital part of the history of the United States. The study of African American contributions helps students understand the past and present, and the future of the United States.

Students must understand that racism is alive. Therefore, they must understand why it still exists. As they learn these lessons in school, they can converse with parents and friends. This is beneficial because students need to learn about different types of people so they have a well-rounded education. Also, they learn about cultural differences. Thus, students understand that there is no fear simply because other people have differences just like siblings are different.

Black History All Year

As students learn the history of African Americans within all core subjects, they bring about the end of racism. Thus, the elimination of xenophobia. This awareness creates a positive school climate. Therefore, all students feel safe, valued, and appreciated. Educators know this benefits students with the process of learning. The study of the contributions of African Americans needs to happen all year and not just during Black History Month.

Whether in the classroom, remote learning, or homeschooling, PBS suggests books from the author Cheryl Willis Hudson.

•   Purchase a book by a black author or illustrator. This should be read and placed in a child’s book collection.

•   Make sure books show diversity. Also, they show diversity as a natural part of daily living. However, check for accuracy and stereotypes.

•   As questions arise, provide simple answers.

•   Choose a variety of books such as picture books and chapter books. Additionally, choose biographies and non-fiction.

•   Lastly, discuss books with children.

Not Just One Time

No matter how diverse the school population, all students need to learn an accurate history. First of all, history makes no sense without African American history. The U.S. was built with slave labor, leading to a war that started over slavery. The country claims to be democratic. However, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness have not been achieved by all. By the study of Black history, there is a good chance the U.S. achieves its claims of justice for all.

Black History




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