Racist teaching should not happen in schools or at home by adults that claim they are not racist.  Some claim that only bad people are racist. Thus, this should not be said to children. As racism is put in a category with bad people it gives the impression that good people or people with good intentions do not mean to be racist. Also, it gives children the idea that one group of people is better than another.  Thus, one group has the idea they are the norm and are superior.

Racist Comments 

Most people engage in casual racism. Its references are toward negative stereotypes. Also, it relates to the prejudices of others based on ethnicity. The use of casual comments towards people does not give the belief of superiority. Simply, it provides a negative prejudice toward a race. Thus, its intent is not to cause harm or be offensive to another.

However, unintentional expressions of racism discriminate and humiliates the people that experience it. Thereby, it causes people to encounter physical health problems, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Casual unintentional expressions of racism, sexism, ageism, or ethnicity are harmful to all.


As we make children and adults aware of a type of racism that is not hardcore, they must still be accountable for what they say. Consequently, it still feeds into discrimination. Most of the time it’s best not to react or make any comment. Therefore, nobody can take offense.

To teach children that racism is inappropriate, conversations must improve. Adults must model appropriate conversations.  Conversations contain a message that children hear. Therefore, they hear in school and at home, the values that are important to people. Teach children to treat everybody fairly regardless of how they look or where they are from.

Children ought to be taught to stand up to racism. Conversations and modeling about racism and discrimination are difficult. It looks different for each family. However, the earlier these conversations begin, the better.







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