Stuttering is a problem for some students.  Additionally, it is a problem that is and has been around for a long time. Stuttering has an effect on a student’s confidence as they speak. Additionally, it affects their social skills. Plainly, they are embarrassed when they have to speak or read orally.

It is a puzzle to parents and teachers why students stutter. Parents and teachers do not understand the break in speech fluency that so often happens. There are many days that children do not stutter at all. However, stuttering results in some children to stop verbal communication. Additionally, the environment plays an important part in how children feel about themselves.

Stuttering Help for Parents and Teachers

Often, parents and teachers do not know what to do as students stutter.

  • Give the students time to focus on what they need to say.
  • Provide a quiet place so there is no distraction in the background.
  • Speak slowly to the student. Also, pause frequently.
  • Do not comment on the stuttering. Thus, do not tell them to stop or slow down.
  • Do not finish words for the student. Additionally, no not finish the sentence. Furthermore, to not interrupt.
  • Get eye-to-eye contact to demonstrate your interest in what they say.
  • Praise the fluency.
  • Respect the student’s needs and do not enable.

Remember, stuttering is not something shameful.  Many famous people have stutter disorder. Likewise, there are more than fifteen million people who stutter today. Parents must talk about stuttering just like any other matter. Use strategies from a speech pathologist. Understand the student’s level of interest with class participation. This empowers the student to take ownership of the stutter. Respect the student’s decision to participate or not.  Additionally, consult a professional for help. Parents and teachers need education and trained to provide help to the student that stutters.

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