Toxic schools are harmful to student learning. Thereby, many teachers, administrators, parents, and students are frustrated anxious. Â Consequently, they have stress with learning during this pandemic. A toxic environment in schools has serious consequences on a person’s physical and mental health. Accordingly, toxicity affects a person’s quality of life.
Toxic Signs To Look For
- Leadership causes the environment to be toxic. So, a leader must prevent toxicity from spreading to the entire staff. At times, leaders cause issues. However, it is their job to solve problems and not to create problems.
- Negativity happens as rules are not the same for everyone. Thus, establish one rule for everyone.
- Diversity in the classroom or the school creates a positive environment. If there is no diversity, it becomes toxic. People have many viewpoints. Some have a positive effect on situations. Thus, one view of a situation causes toxicity. For this reason, everyone needs a voice.
- Clear messages and communication are the most effective. All staff must be on the same page if learning is to occur at all levels.
- In conflicts, always listen to the point of view of the conflicts.
- Lastly, value requests as it meets the needs of all involved.
Fortunately, many teachers work in a positive environment. Their colleagues and administrators are helpful. However, many others deal with leadership that is not what it should be. Also, the leaders deal with a lack of funding. Additionally, they deal with harsh rules. Thus, it creates a toxic atmosphere.
Tips for Toxicity
Unfortunately, students and parents can identify a toxic environment. Employees must avoid the negative atmosphere. A focus on self-improvement helps. As a person must vent, keep it under control. Focus on the positives of the school. Also, be respectful to others and respect other’s opinions. Reflect on what causes the negativity and find ways to improve. Work toward change.
Participation in an environment that is toxic requires significant changes. First, it must be recognized. They only exist with a lack of trust and respect. Be the change so students, parents, and teachers can progress and learn.