Cooking To Keep Basic Skills

Cooking during summer break helps kids maintain school-year skills. It comes naturally to most parents and offers an educational experience for students. It provides children with math, reading, and science skills along with historical content.

When children work in the kitchen, they build self-esteem and confidence.

  • As they prepare recipes, they also develop and fine-tune their fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.
  • Cooking also helps them learn communication skills, such as listening, following directions, and observing. It’s a great way to encourage discussion as well.
  • Some recipes provide for creativity. Students can experience various flavors and other ingredients.
  • When students cook with a partner, they understand sharing and cooperation. They take turns mixing and adding ingredients.
  • Mathematical skills of counting, addition, multiplication, ratios, fractions, and measurement are a part of combining ingredients and cooking. Cooking gives students real-life experience applications. Following a recipe teaches fractions and temperatures between baking and broiling.
  • Comprehension skills improve when following a recipe. Children learn to follow step-by-step instructions to create a finished product, which demonstrates that reading and following directions are practical skills.
  • Students can learn about chemistry by observing a marshmallow toast or by watching it brown on top of a brownie. The application of heat, cold, and changes in the composition of food all involve chemistry.
  • Discussing the origin of a recipe provides children with history.

Cooking Teaches Nutrition

Cooking activities help children understand nutrition and learn healthier food preparation methods. In using nutritious ingredients students learn not to choose fast food or packaged foods. They experience the different sensory aspects of food, such as taste, smell, and texture. Through preparing dishes, students also learn patience while they wait for the dish to be finished. It is a valuable life skill that expands the palate. Children are more likely to try a new flavor when they help in the kitchen.

Cooking and Cultures

Exploring a variety of recipes can provide insight into different cultures. Cooking food from various cultures can serve as a lesson in history. Preparing dishes that symbolize other countries can help children gain an understanding of those cultures. By following food recipes, children can learn about the differences and similarities in the ways people from other cultures enjoy their meals. They can also become familiar with special occasion foods and the art of food presentation.

Teaching children to cook is an important life skill while they learn good nutrition habits. It helps to prevent the summer slide.



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