Resource Blog
Warm-Up Activities for Focus
Warm-up activities get students into a new lesson. They help first thing after the bell when students enter the classroom. Too often, students think about
Open-Book Tests Show Understanding
Open-book tests give teachers a realistic picture of real-world problem-solving and remove the focus from memorization of facts. This type of test is an assessment
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Field Trips for Summer Learning
Field trips help prevent the decline in skills and knowledge over the summer. They offer cultural enrichment for children, whether they are in person or
Chalk for Summer Learning
Chalk sparks the imagination of kids of all ages. Drawing and creating with chalk encourages students to enjoy the outdoors. It can keep them occupied
Cooking To Keep Basic Skills
Cooking during summer break helps kids maintain school-year skills. It comes naturally to most parents and offers an educational experience for students. It provides children
Write for Retention of Skills
Write down thoughts a few days a week can help students maintain their skills and knowledge. Students need to write to gain skills in communication.
Hiking to Prevent Learning Loss
Hiking is an excellent summer activity for students to learn new content and practice skills they have learned in the classroom. A hike or a
Sports Programs and the Summer Slide
Sports programs during the summer months help prevent declining physical activity and potential weight gain for students. With school out, students no longer have their
Libraries Keep Students Learning
Libraries play a key role in preventing the summer slide in education. They provide a free and open student environment, offering various educational resources and
Fake News for the Classroom
Fake news is a common topic of discussion, underscoring the importance of educating students to recognize misinformation on social media. The Internet and various social
Standardized Assessments are Obsolete
Standardized assessments are intended to assist in educating students. However, they do not accommodate the diverse lifestyles of students. These tests neither teach nor assess
Antisemitism and Students Emotions
Antisemitism and student concerns are on the rise. It is crucial for students to feel safe in the classroom. However, both teachers and students are