Professional Development
Presentation and facilitation:
- Inquiry based instruction – Design a focus with an end goal in mind. Not activity for activity sake. Hands on minds on. – Inquiry learning is all about posing questions that can be investigated. The more children are encouraged to use thought provoking questions, the more students are led to inquiry learning. – Facilitation of Inquiry Institute for ASSET Inc. (Achieving Student Success Through Excellence in Teaching)
- Peer or administrative ‘look fors’ in an inquiry based lesson – Design a focus while in the classroom as an observer or evaluator
- Notebooking for the literacy connection – Based on informational writing in science to improve reading and writing skills throughout the curriculum
- Assessment – When curriculum is aligned to standards, frequent assessments are critical in determining the pace of instruction, remediation, and readiness for new content. Developing both formative and summative assessments are a necessary part of the classroom routine.
- Facilitation of Assessment Institute for ASSET Inc. (Achieving Student Success Through Excellence in Teaching)
- Effective questioning techniques – Utilizing Blooms Taxonomy to create questions that are problem solving and inspire critical thinking. Developed a course on effective questioning techniques and facilitated for ASSET Inc. – Presentation of questioning research at ASTE (Association for Science Teacher Education) – Presented and facilitated a course on effective questioning techniques in Green Bay Wisconsin, Next Steps Institute.
- Strategic Planning – Planning for core subjects through a three to five year plan. How to form committees, designate your key players, develop a vision, mission. and goals.
- Sustainability – Develop a plan to sustain programs that are successful
- Facilitation of Laser K-* Science Education SPI (Strategic Planning Institute)
- MEMTA panel to review applications for the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy