Common Core Standards

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Educational standards help schools provide the skills and knowledge. The purpose is for students to be successful throughout their lives.  They provide goals for student learning in each grade level from kindergarten through high school.  Each state has adopted standards geared from national standards with a focus on the individual state’s needs.

Understanding Common Core

The Common Core Standards is an initiative led by states. It establishes a single set of clear academic standards. Standards in English language arts and mathematics. Each state has the option to individually adopt. The purpose of incorporating Common Core Standards is for students to prepare for college or the workforce.  Meaning, no matter where a student lives he or she is ready for the future. Skills to collaborate and compete with peers in the United States.  Core Standards give parents, teachers, and students an understanding of expectations in language arts and mathematics.   This initiative began through the nation’s governors and education commissioners, the National Governors Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers, and teachers, parents, and school administrators. The plan is for states to use them by 2014.

Presently there are 45 states plus the District of Columbia that have approved the Common Core State Standards. Some states say that the Common Core Standards places an emphasis on testing. Therefore, they stifle creativity in the classroom. However, previous tests required by each state have placed an emphasis on testing. But, the standards and still allow for creativity in the classroom.  Standards state what is taught not the method of teaching.  School systems and teachers decide the methods and process to achieve the intended goal.

Positive or Negative

Most textbook companies and academic programs have standards within the curriculum.  Therefore, the criticism is teachers teach to the standards or to the test.  The negative reports have become political because of liberal opposition, progressive activists, the Tea Party, some union leaders, an even some Democratic lawmakers.  However, there is a strong base of support from both Democrats and Republicans because the Common Core Standards are designed by states.

It is an argument the Common Core is unconstitutional.  This is a false claim because the federal government had no input and has no control over education.  It is up to each state for input. Also, the design will dumb down American education. Because some states would have to move their standards backwards to comply.  Research does not reflect this; in fact, if states wrote their standards to mirror the national standards, it will improve the quality of education and raise the bar for many students. It is not in the control of Washington. It allows the incorporation of standards that are already in place by most states and incorporates the commonality of the national standards.

What it is

Common Core Standards allow for the mobility of students throughout the United States. Today’s families no longer by a home to live in for the rest of their lives.  Our jobs allow for mobility and transfer.  We are also a society that enjoys the freedom to go from one job to another depending on income needs.

Our system of education must keep up with a global market for jobs.  In the U.S. our students rank 25th in math and 14th in reading compared to 27 industrialized countries.  We no longer are the first in high school graduation according to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.  A national standard for the kind of education our children deserve is in need so they may succeed to today’s global society.  Presently our system is clogged with meaningless experiments, exams, and excuses. We have moved from the basic critical thinking skills and learning to solve problems to rote memorization of basic knowledge.  We are not stimulating our children’s curiosity.  The Common Core reinforces creativity, curiosity, and problem solving skills.  It is for the common good of our students and their future.


Education is a field that has to be continuously updated to reflect individual learning needs.  Our children cannot afford to be lost in the system because a family is mobile or because one school district isn’t as affluent as another.  The political leaders need to get over who calls the shots and see the bigger picture.  We, as a nation, need to standardize and elevate our children’s education programs to meet the demanding needs of today’s living.  For more information on Common Core Standards go to

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