Chaos Affects Learning

Embarassing discipline

Chaos at home or in the classroom affects a student’s learning process.  Often, it is defined as disorganization, lack of routine, too much noise, moving at a fast pace, and people moving in and out of a room. Chaos leads to several childhood issues.

Chaos Results 

•  Lower IQs

•  Attention, aggression and conduct issues

•  Stress

•  Illness

Too much disorder

Household Disorder

Chaos at home is damaging to children. And, even the best parents can’t prevent the end results. The outcomes of disorganzation are negative. All things considered, by replacing chaos with more structured time and positive interactions, children develop better emotionally and intellectuality.

At School

Occasionally, a school or a classroom shows very little structure. In school, the results of chaos are the same as in the home. Some classrooms have students coming and going for various reasons. Students go to the nurse, instrumental lessons or leave for sports. Additionally, there are interruptions from the office to excuse students or to hear an announcement.

The classroom is a sacred area.  And, classroom time is most important for instruction.  However, some teachers are exceptional. They have total control of the class with controlled chaos during group work and student sharing time. This type of climate creates a safe environment for learning.

chaos done right
Organized learning

But, the chaotic classroom is disjointed. Not to mention, quality learning of content and skills become difficult. In other words, a disorganized classroom guarantees a disastrous school year for teachers, students, and parents.

Helping The Disorganized

Chaotic and disorganized is sometimes a reference for being messy and forgetful. Equally, these students, teachers and parents have a difficult time keeping track of materials.

•  There is commotion.

•  Needed objects (keys, homework) are misplaced.

•  Parents, teachers, students are always late.

•   Conversations are disrupted.

•   Plans never seem to work out.

Organization both at home and in school are a priority for everyone. So, start the new school year organized. A calm and stable environment isn’t about controlling children. It’s about the learning and having children grow to achieve to their fullest potential.

Blog: chaos



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