Hate Lessons – Home/School

Hate is having an intense dislike for someone or something. Are our schools ready to teach about such a subject? Today’s schools have plans in place for fires, severe weather, medical emergencies, fights, weapon possession, and active shooter drills. But, are they ready for hate groups? And, are classrooms ready for questions and discussions that deal with such matters? Teaching about bias cannot be done on the fly, a plan must be in place.

Whether we like it or not, children learn social values in school.  And, any social value changes a child’s outlook of the world. As schools neglect discussions on diversity, bias or hate, students think that is not important. Likewise, is omitting the positive contributions of various cultural groups. In addition, omitting contributions devalues the action.

Everyone recognizes children aren’t born hating. We teach hate. And, it is a natural part of daily conversations.  Spreading hate is easy. Furthermore, adults do not realize they contribute. Adults say so many disrespectful phrases that children hear. Children are aware of actions and comments around them. Therefore, the hateful comments affect them. Nasty comments peak a child’s emotions with fear, confusion, sadness, or anger.

Take Action Against Hate

•    Show we are not powerless against hate.

•   Discuss ways to address hate. Some examples include: speaking out against name-calling, making friends with people unlike yourself, learn about cultural groups.

•   Build an understanding that unchallenged hate and unkind words escalates to violence.

•   Learn that an intervention may be unsafe.

•   Build self-esteem so children learn to see themselves positively.

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The year that Martin Luther King and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, Stan Lee wrote; “Racism and bigotry are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today. But, unlike a team of costumed supervillains, they can’t be halted with a punch in the snoot or a zap from a ray gun. The only way to destroy them, is to expose them — to reveal from the insidious evil they really are.”

We need to put a stop to hate, bullying and violence. Education about hate will help children eliminate racism and bigotry.

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