School Punishment Bias

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School punishments shows bias toward certain students. The Trump administration’s plan is to roll back Obama-era policies. The policies created by Obama ensures that all children are fairly and equally disciplined.

Eggs in Tray on White Surface

Before President Obama, studies indicate that certain racial and ethnic groups are disciplined more than other students. Such disciplinary actions include suspensions. On the average, out of every 10 students, two or three students were sent out of class during the school year 2009-10.

There are many factors that contribute to the harsh discipline practices for various students. In addition, data confirms racial discrimination in regards to discipline as a major problem. Furthermore, there is a wide range of policies by school administrators that contribute to a discipline gap. Many students receive discipline based on race or sex. And, discipline according to a report by a non-partisan Government Accountability Office claims that officials “judge students’ behaviors differently based on the students’ race and sex.” Also, the report “found that the types of offenses that black children were disciplined for were largely based on school officials’ interpretations of behavior.”

Results of Bias Punishment

Suspended or expelled students are more likely to repeat a grade. Also, they are more likely to drop out of school. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “out-of-school suspension and expulsion represent an enormously costly and largely unsatisfactory solution to behavior problems in school, whether from the standpoint of the school district, the student, or the community.”

Controlling Discipline Practices

Schools must evaluate discipline practices.

• To start, zero-tolerance is not a good practice. It does not work.

• Understand the root of the problem. Misunderstandings happen as a teacher does not understand the lifestyle of a minority student.

• Build skills in conflict management. Be proactive instead of reactive. Teach problem-solving skills to reduce actions that trigger harsh punishments.

As teachers and parents recognize consequences and punishment to be unfair, they create a healthy school climate. Furthermore, students build respectable relationships toward their peers. All students want an equal opportunity in today’s world. President Obama’s policies must not go by the way-side. Discipline wise, we must treat all children equally.

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