Respecting authority is lacking among today’s youth. Unfortunately, both teachers and parents are responsible for the lack of respect for authority figures.
Often, our children fear teachers and police due to various conversations. However, there is a thin line between respect and fear. Children also hear teachers are mean and give too much homework. Also, they learn that police punish people. In addition, parents use a police office as a threat for behavior modification.
Respect Teachers
A teacher plays an important role in each student’s life. They provide the knowledge that provides a future path. Furthermore, they model good morals.
Teachers are the change agent that makes the difference between a successful student and an unsuccessful one. The student learns to love or hate learning. This depends on the student’s attitude in the classroom. This attitude forms at home.
Teachers go through extensive training to teach the latest strategies to children. The attend college classes, take on-line courses and attended professional development offered buy their school districts,
Therefore, well-adjusted students have parents and teachers that communicate regularly. Teachers are not enemies. Unfortunately, some may be referred to as bad by parents. However, respect is still warranted.
Respect Police
Today, people tend to criticize the police for many actions. At times, police face name calling by people and children. Nevertheless, their actions are for the protection of all persons.
Like teachers, police are trained to protect. They follow the law and understand each situation they enter into. Unfortunately, they must deal with dirty situations that put their lives and the lives of others in danger.
Police go into classrooms to build community relations. They do good deeds and give toys to the underprivileged.
The Police are not out to get any one person. They are there to provide help. Therefore, parents and teachers must teach children to respect authority. Bothe teachers and police are a student’s friend. Hence, children need to know a police officer or a teacher is there for their protection.