Learning changes are about to occur. Students are presently learning remotely with the early closing of schools. This is a glimpse of how education changes for the long term. Education naturally takes a slow pace as it pertains to changes.  Many have not given up on old approaches to teaching that includes outdated classrooms. This pandemic initiates schools to find immediate innovative solutions to instruction. Some methods for home-schooling include emailing lessons, remote learning, and picking up packets of lessons from neighborhood schools. Many of which have caused families to be inconvenienced.

Thus, it is evident that innovations in education receive attention. It surpasses simple funding from the government. Interest from private sectors in education is contributing to a much-needed method of educating students. This virus may contribute to the formation of a new goal for learning.

In an attempt to stop a learning gap, many schools are trying to develop quality digital lessons. Also, it drives educators, parents. students to critically think and problem solve. It pushes everyone to problem-solve and be creative. Additionally, it supports collaborative engagement through digital face-time with teachers and other students.

The Learning Gap

Schools currently have a difficult choice if they do not connect with students remotely. They find students miss too much without connecting. However, they realize many students are left out and tend to fall behind. Even so, other parents that are first responders to a crisis are not able to provide the necessary help to students that at-home learning requires. Beyond that, some parents are not technologically savvy. So-called ‘privileged’ parents will find resources to help students learn at-home. Whereas, disadvantaged households will not.

School directors need to face the fact that remote learning may not be temporary. Schools may need to begin a new year remotely for the next academic year. Also, some schools may improve many aspects of remote learning. Thus, it will continue throughout the year. Consequently, it may end up as the ‘new normal’.


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