Parental Involvement in Remote Learning

Parental involvement with their child’s learning has increased in the new school year. This is due to remote learning. Many educators wonder if it is good or bad. Parents must attend to the teacher’s emails and deal with a student’s late assignments.

Data suggests that parents say they are more involved in the student’s learning than before. They feel they have a bigger role in their child’s education. Schools want parents to involve themselves in the student’s education. The positive involvement comes with parents that provide encouragement and check on the student’s work. They make sure all assignments are turned in on time. Also, they make sure they stay in touch with the teachers. In other words, they act as a learning coach. Thus, children learn best as the parent encourages and supports their learning.

Parental Problems

However, remote learning involvement is not all positive. Negative attitudes about the content or the method of instruction reflect on the attitude of the student. Thus, students have a bad attitude about a teacher. Many parents complain about the content and criticize the teacher. They make suggestions for clarification in assignments. Also, they request accommodations and special attention to students.

As far as assignments, parents suggest work they feel is right for students, not work the school’s curriculum states. Also, parents take and/or help with tests and quizzes for students.

Teachers and administrators do the best they know under the circumstances. They work 24/7 to ensure the best education for all students. Many help their children with lessons while they prepare lessons for others.

Help The Learning

Suggestions to make learning meaningful is to support the student with remote education.

  •   Take it out of the home or create a special room that looks like a classroom. Have the child help decorate in accordance with learning needs.
  •   Importantly, be there to help, not to do. Don’t teach, help students to understand. Students must own their learning.
  •   Make sure the student has the supplies to complete the assigned work.
  •   Check messages and stay in contact with the school.
  •   Use resources the school supplies.
  •   A positive mindset is important. It isn’t about what or how to learn but to think critically about the learning.

Learning does not always happen in a classroom of a brick and mortar building. Today, it is in an area at home. Thus, what they learn, understand, and apply knowledge is what is important.

Parental help 2020


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