Cancel Culture and Students

Adams Educate

Cancel culture is a way to get many people to disapprove of something or someone. In a sense, it is mass bulling. In schools, teachers help students understand it in the media. Also, it gives students a chance to form their own opinions about the practice.

The schools let students openly express their feelings on the effective way to hold others accountable for harmful actions. However, some see Cancel Culture as accountability, and some see it as censorship or punishment.

Cancel Culture (Call-Out Culture) can be an educational tool in schools if used effectively. It brings to light how words and actions that were once acceptable, are no longer effective for today’s usage.

Cancel Culture Reasons and Results

However, as people cancel people, it means association with them no longer exists. Thus, they no longer have friends and associates. Consequently, children and adolescents are more vulnerable than adults. They are more apt to suffer consequences of depression, mood swings, anxiety, and impulsive behavior.

There are reasons that people get canceled. However, it is usually due to a person that expresses an objectable opinion.

Where It Starts

The culture of blocking someone is not new. Children and adults have always spoken their minds about many issues. However, many have become too sensitive and the smallest offense sets them off.

Call-out culture begins early in schools. The sources are the many K-12 classrooms across the nation. Students need to be taught what it means to understand another’s point of view. Also, they must learn to settle a difference doesn’t mean removing someone from a peer group or social media.

People Have a Voice

Too many students have a negative self-image. Thus, blocking a student from a group affects how they see themselves. However, students must be taught that they have the to right accept or reject what it is that offends or inspires them. Teach students about the right to have their own beliefs.

Children need to learn to overcome this culture that rejects the beliefs of others. Teach them not to allow what others say to describe themselves. Additionally, reach out for help. There are many resources in schools that give methods to overcome a culture that cancels individuals.

cancel 2021





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